Tuesday, 31 October 2017

More challenges.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Overall day(s): Happy.

Furry Mama was so happy to go and collect the lovely Hinge this morning. The girl was totally back to her happy, affectionate, purry self and delighted to be home. She even had a happy sniff, nose to nose with Pepper Pooch. Furry Mama was a little upset though as the lovely vet who looked after her, (and Minty Mutt), and who health-checked Pepper, is leaving. She's going home to Slovenia after being in England for four years. Baggy can't blame her. It must be really hard leaving your country, culture, family and friends. And as for undertaking a profession as technical as a veterinary surgeon, in a totally new language - really hard. But she's a really lovely vet and a very lovely person and Baggy will miss her, and her kindness. So, Furry Mama bought her a "Thank You" card and enclosed a little present - it was just a little brooch that Baggy's had for years, but the vet was quite overwhelmed. Bless her. Baggy was very glad she'd made the gesture.

Lots of purry cuddles later, Furry Mama walked Pepper to the village shop to buy some new cat foods for the girls. She wants to feed them the pure food that Minty Mutt and now Pepper eats - all pure healthy proper meat and vegetables, rice etc. - no additives. But of course it's expensive, in fact it's about three times the price of their current food. However, if feeding it helps Hinge not to get so constipated ever again, it would be a false economy to leave her on the cheap stuff. Furry Mama bought four different brands of the good stuff. Pepper chose himself some treats. Not that any of the furries are spoilt you understand baggees! The first brand went down a treat with both cats. Furry Mama has to feed them little and often, so it will be interesting to see if they get bored of the good stuff.

Furry Mama has to try to get five pills a day into Hinge for the next five days, then two a day, probably forever. This is going to be interesting. Hinge doesn't "do" pills. Baggy is going to get damaged! It would be less, but Baggy's allergic to penicillin, so instead of one penicillin pill she has to give her three alternative antibiotics. Sigh. But baggees - actually, hold that thought - quick aside - do you want to be baggetts? Number one furry thinks that Baggy and the baggetts sounds better than Baggy and the baggees. Creative Clara is inclined to agree, but doesn't think that you'd appreciate being called French sticks, so won't spell it baguettes. Anyway, Baggy loves it, so from this day forth baggees, you will be Baggy's baggetts. Back to the plot - ah but there's a problem with that baggetts, as Hormonal Hannah has made Clara totally forget where that sentence was going. Ah, the joys of aging. Not just the memory loss, but the failing eyesight, but at least that means that Baggy can't see the beard that's growing on Hannah's chin..............

Monday, 30 October 2017

Yet more worry.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 6.
Tears: No.
Overall day(s): Worrying.

Last night Clever Bird suddenly realised that the clocks had changed the night before! It's quite pleasant gaining an hour at 8 o'clock in the evening. Calum was about to go to bed, as he had to be up so early, so he was particularly happy. Funny how you can go a whole day without noticing that you're an hour out. It also occurred to Clever Bird that one of the logical reasons why Hormonal Hannah has been anxious for the last few days, is because Furry Mama has been worried about Hinge. Yet again the poor little cat is really poorly with constipation. She hasn't eaten for at least a couple of days and is clearly in a bad way. So today Furry Mama took her to the vets. Now Hormonal Hannah is really worried as she has been kept in to have yet another enema under general anaesthetic. And she has to stay in for at least one night, to be given fluids. As she has been through this before (more than once), Furry Mama is sure that she'll be okay, but it's really hard for Freda Fretter not to be worried sick about her.

Trying to get Hinge to the vets was interesting. Clever Bird had a plan though. Get Furry Mama to put Pepper Pooch in Billy Bob first, then go back in and find the Hinge. Pepper barked his head off. Baggy had to scramble under the spare bed to retrieve Hinge. Once she'd prized her out, she then had to get her in the cat crate; the cat crate that it had taken Baggy over five minutes to retrieve from the (once again) totally cluttered garage. Hinge fastened one paw on each side - it was a struggle, but Furry Mama got her in. The crate weighed a ton, but Baggy got it in Billy Bob. Furry Mama had to leave Pepper in Billy Bob once again - no way could she negotiate a demented hyper-active over-excited Puppy and a very heavy, poorly cat. The vet was running fifteen minutes late, so Freda Fretter was a little concerned that Baggy might return to an eaten Billy Bob. Pepper barked and barked, and threw himself at every window, trying to see where Furry Mama had gone. Baggy watched him from the vets. She took Hinge in twenty-minutes late. And came out a further twenty-minutes later. Then had ten-minutes of paperwork to do.

Furry Mama was very relieved to find Pepper Pooch had finally given up the barking and was fast asleep on the back shelf - Billy Bob was in tact. To the doctors to check on Hannah's repeat prescriptions - once again Pepper stayed in Billy Bob. This time he didn't bark or even get off the back shelf. Then into town to pick up a prescription for happy pills for Hannah. Again, Pepper stayed in Billy Bob. By then he seemed happy to. Result! So as a reward, Furry Mama got him out and took him into the pet shop, where she bought him the best rubber ball ever! With a treat in the middle, it kept him amused for a good thirty minutes. Pity Freda Fretter doesn't have a ball with a treat in the middle too, it might distract her from worrying about Hinge......... 

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Anxiety levels up.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 5.
Tears: No.
Overall day(s): Like a little holiday.

Clever Bird should never have let Creative Clara write that Baggy's daily state had been "normal" for quite a while. For the last couple of days Hormonal Hannah's anxiety levels have shot up, hence no blog (or any t'internet at all) yesterday, as Baggy needed a "switch off". But Baggy and Calum have had a very pleasant couple of days, making the most of the lovely weather and enjoying time with Pepper Pooch, as Baggy wasn't the only one who needed a bit of time out. So here are the last couple of days in pictures baggees, as Baggy is still a little angsty!

Playing chase on the Jurassic coastline at Sheringham in north Norfolk.

While doing a bit of fossil hunting (after all this is just up the coast from where they found the mammouth).

Quick rest before another walk through the town.


A brief last look at the view before the rather long drive home.
Number one furry drove, while Pepper and Furry Mama snoozed in the back.

Today they had a trip to Southwold. The sea was "up".

Lots more ball chasing!

While trying not to a) lose the ball and b) get swept away by the sea.

Coffee break in the sunshine.

Now, back home to have a supper of the handmade steak pies (a Kate and Sidney and a Moo Pie ), bought in one of the lovely shops in Southwold. Pepper is currently sparko! A chance for Furry Mama to go and cuddle the cats who must be feeling very put out. Hope you've all had a lovely weekend too baggees.........

Friday, 27 October 2017


Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 1.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Very constructive.

Baggy was up at seven again! This time to take Billy Bob camper van to have his driver's door fixed. Well that was the hope anyway, there was no guarantee that they'd be able to do it. Furry Mama walked Pepper home and threw the ball until he was exhausted - she thought. He proved differently the moment they got in the house by totally losing the plot, hurtling about like a lunatic. Furry Mama attempted to ignore it, so Pepper started grabbing things that he knew would get her attention. Eventually, Hormonal Hannah couldn't cope, so as per training instructions, she moved Pepper to his crate. He started to bark and bark and whine. Baggy went into the spare bedroom and Furry Mama gave Bracket a cuddle while Clever Bird waited for Pepper to be quiet, so that Furry Mama could let him out. After what seemed like an eternity, she had to give up as he was beginning to hyperventilate! So much for that plan. She let him out. He have Furry Mama a look, drank some water and shot off downstairs. Hmmmmm!? Clever Bird is now beginning to wonder whether this is a learned behaviour rather than true separation anxiety. Bark until eventually someone does what you want! But he was stressed, so she's not sure. Another plan is however required! It's not fair on Pepper for him to be so distressed and at some point, Baggy will have to leave him.

The Domestic Goddess decided to do some cleaning in time for number one furry to come home to a nice house. The moment she started vacuuming, Pepper started to bark at and attack it. Furry Mama put him outside. He barked. Eventually he stopped, so Furry Mama let him in. The Goddess went back to the vacuum. Pepper attacked it, barking. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Furry Mama put him outside. One woof. Then quiet. Furry Mama let him in. The Goddess carried on. Pepper watched - in silence. "Good boy", said Furry Mama as she gave him a little cheesy treat. Eventually he was sitting beside The Goddess while she finished off. Yes! The Goddess then decided to make a cottage pie, ready to cook it later when Calum gets home. Pepper lay in the kitchen and watched her. But he soon decided that enough was enough - he left and reappeared with Baggy's already broken reading glasses! If only flipping Hormonal Hannah would remember to put them out of his reach! Then he started charging about again. More exercise needed. Furry Mama decided to throw his ball in the garden.

She did so for the next two hours, whilst Gloria Gardener had a wonderful time in the autumn sunshine, picking up leaves and twigs. She filled six huge bags with them. Baggy's back and arm were beginning to ache, so she decided to go in for a cup of tea. There were two messages on the phone, one from Calum, one from the garage. Billy Bob was ready for collecting. So Furry Mama set off once more with Pepper to walk to the garage, ball and ball-thrower in hand. Clever Bird was determined to wear the pooch out!

Billy Bob was fixed. The chap apologised that the door trim wasn't fitted terribly well, but "it really needs replacing". Clever Bird knew that, so that was fine. When Baggy got in Billy Bob, she was delighted! The trim looks better than it has since they got him! Maybe it was worth breaking the lock after all. The Goddess popped into the village shop on the way back to get a few bits. Clever Bird decided to leave Pepper in Billy Bob. He didn't bark! Admittedly there were slobby nose prints all over the window when Baggy got back, but he didn't seem too traumatised. Now, as Creative Clara types this blog, he is finally asleep for the first time all day. He'll probably wake up just in time to drive Calum nuts when he gets home this evening. Just as well they both adore him..........

Thursday, 26 October 2017


Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 1.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Waiting.

It occurs to Clever Bird that Baggy's daily state, has been nothing but good for days now. No depression; no anxiety. Whether this is down to the new happy pills or to a certain happy puppy, or to both, she doesn't know. Regardless, it's lovely to feel "normal" for once, not constantly sick with worry about nothing in particular, or as though a large weight is squashing her into the ground. Even Hormonal Hannah actually wants to get up out of bed and not waste the day. It's a nice feeling; being "normal". Baggy's still having a few weird dreams, but they're not of the nightmare variety, so she's also getting a bit more sleep, although she does still feel constantly tired. But compared to how she has felt in the last couple of years, she is positively reinvigorated. Having said that, because she does feel more "normal", she's also feeling a bit worthless as well. She feels that she should be doing more. "More what?", you may well ask baggees. Well that's a good question, one that even Clever Bird is not sure of the answer to. More living maybe.

Baggy has a lovely life in lots of ways, but there are a few down sides. The two big ones that now Baggy is feeling more confident are even more obvious to Clever Bird, are that she misses her number one furry terribly when he's away at work all week, and she feels incredibly guilty that she doesn't earn any money. Well she does earn a little bit from her vintage sales and she has a teeny-weeny pension, but it's not enough. If the vintage shop does come off, this will be a major step in the right direction. Hannah wouldn't have been able to do it even a few weeks ago, as her anxiety would have got the best of her, so the fact that it got delayed was a good thing. Now she's determined and Clever Bird has decided that if this opportunity falls through again, she'll find a different shop to be in.

The other down side is that for reasons that even Clever Bird can't get her head around, Grotty Groom (who misses her Wessles a lot), just doesn't seem to want to go and see him and Joey. Admittedly it's a bit more difficult with Pepper Pooch. Furry Mama can't leave him even for a few minutes, so he has to go with her, which makes it impossible for Grotty to do anything other than give the Boys a pat from the other side of their paddock fences. She can't even groom them, so it's probably yet more guilt that's stopping her from going. But she knows they're safe and happy and enjoying being horses, so for now, she needs to try not to feel guilty about it.

Meanwhile Baggy is waiting. Waiting for the gas man to come and service the heating, "between 8.00am and 1.00pm". Having got up at 7.00, Pepper wishes to know why they haven't been out for their walk. To get Furry Mama's attention he looks for things to grab and destroy that will get Freda Fretter to go to him. His favourite is Baggy's reading glasses, which he's had so many times that you'd think by now Baggy would have put them out of his reach. Clever Bird decided when he arrived that she should let him have things it was okay to destroy, like the cardboard centres of the toilet roll. Yeah right! So, so far today he has destroyed two toilet rolls - with the paper on! A CD. A couple of bills. A cat food box. And yes, Baggy's glasses! The left lens now has two holes in it! Fortunately for Baggy, her left eye is so bad, that the lens doesn't even bother to try and help, so Clara is now typing, looking through a hole, but she can see just as well as before. Now Clever Bird needs to make Baggy keep the right lens away from him!

At 11.00, Baggy got a phone call. The gas man does not cometh! He will now be there sometime this afternoon. Furry Mama took Pepper for a long ball throwing session, he might now sleep for a little while, while Baggy continues to wait. Let's hope the gas man has been and gone before Pepper's training tonight............

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

It's a sign!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 1.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Busy.

Another morning lie-in for Baggy, with Furry Mama sharing her bed for an hour with both Pepper and Hinge. In fact, as Creative Clara types this, Hinge has just jumped on the back of the sofa that Baggy's on, while Pepper sleeps a few feet away on the other sofa. Even Freda Fretter is becoming optimistic that they will end up as friends, but she's not sure how to persuade Bracket to be as brave. On their walk this morning Pepper met the other Pepper again, (the Staffie who'd been used as a bait dog). They had a bit of a chase, but Pepper was already tired from a lot of ball throwing, and kept getting caught. The other Pepper jumped on him snarling, and although she didn't appear to mean to hurt him, she scared the living daylights out of him. The poor sausage wouldn't go anywhere near after that. Then Minty Mutt's best friends, Rupert and Casper the sausage dogs, arrived. This was a lot more successful with lots of waggy tails and ball swapping.

Baggy had to walk to the little garage while on their walk. Billy Bob Jalopy needs a bit of fixing. The other day at Dunwich, Baggy pulled the little lock-knob up, (having changed her mind about getting out from the other door), and the knob came off in her hand! The mechanism it connected to then proceeded to disappear inside the door - leaving the door locked closed. Clever Bird supposes it could have been worse, the door could have been left unlocked, but ever since Baggy has had to scrabble across the seats to get in and out from the passenger side. Calum tried to fix it, but because the door won't open, it's impossible to get to any of the bits. He's now booked in for Friday. Oh the joys of old vehicles! But Pepper and Baggy love him.

Once home, The Domestic Goddess was going to do a bit of goddessing, but Creative Clara realised that she had had an order from her little Etsy shop, Realuv for a vintage tin. She needed to pack it and post it, so while Pepper totally lost the plot for five minutes, racing up and down the sitting room, Clara packed and wrapped her parcel. As she was doing it, she received a second order from a lovely lady in America who's already ordered one Delft brooch from Clara and has now ordered a second. So Baggy and Pepper headed into town to post them off to their new lives, to be loved once more. Clara loves the fact that things will once more be cherished and appreciated and she's earning a little bit of money doing it. Psychic Ploppo sees the fact that she's had two orders today, as a sign that Clara will be doing the right thing, taking on a little vintage unit in a shop. She needs to find some display units, but will have to wait until her space is definite.

Pepper seemed a lot more confident in town today. In the post office he lay at Baggy's feet while Clara sorted out her parcels! Furry Mama decided that he needed a treat. The Goddess had to pick up a new grate for the fireplace at the holiday cottage, so she decided to carry on and go to Dunwich Heath once again. Clever Bird had totally forgotten that it's half term this week. Dunwich was packed. But Furry Mama and Pepper found a relatively quiet route and wore each other out chasing his tennis ball.

Pepper is currently asleep, so once Clara has pressed "publish" on this blog, The Goddess is going to try and get some goddessing done! At the moment the sitting room floor is virtually hidden under the stuffing from dog toys, shredded paper and torn plastic! But that's puppies for you........

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

A new start?

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 1.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Looking promising.

While Furry Mama was walking Pepper Pooch yesterday evening, she bumped into the lady that mentioned the vintage shop all those weeks ago. She told Creative Clara that one person had left and another was leaving. She also said that the owner would be there this morning, so Clever Bird decided to pop in and see what was happening. Pepper and Furry Mama were in town before the shop was open, so they popped along for their cheese scone and cappuccino training session. Halesworth has a scarecrow week at the moment. All the independent shops have some kind of scarecrow on display. Most are more likely to scare people like Baggy rather than crows - they nearly all had some horrible Halloween or vampire kind of thing going on. The one at The Hideout Café was a cute SpongeBob. Pepper however was terrified of it until Furry Mama persuaded him to get close enough to sniff it. Having realised that it wasn't real he decided to accept it.

He was still pretty scared of a lot of the noises, especially of van doors opening and closing, but he is getting more confident. He positively marched back up the high street to the vintage shop. The owner greeted Baggy and Pepper and told Creative Clara that a space was coming up. Clara said she'd heard. It turns out that the person who's already left, is the woman she spoke to last night. Weird. But the good news is that once all the current people have decided on where they want to be re-shuffled to, then, hopefully in November, there'll be a space for Clara's things. Time for Clever Bird to be brave and go for it and to decide which stock to put in it! Clever Bird is being positive that it will go ahead this time - just in time for Christmas. Yay!

Feeling positive, Baggy took Furry Mama and Pepper for a walk to the outskirts of town. The plan was to do a loop, but when they got to the field that they needed to cross, the bull, cows and their babies were all standing by the exit gate on the other side of the field. Even Clever Bird knew that risking going through them would be incredibly stupid, so they headed back the way they'd come. It was supposed to rain today in little old Suffolk, but it's been a lovely day, more like summer than autumn, so Gloria Gardener decided to take charge.

Since she's actually officially owned her garden she's barely been in it. Today she decided to do one of those jobs that never ends - pick up autumn leaves! As the garden is a mini woodland, it's a bit of a challenge. Two hours and ten large bin liners later she stopped, having cleared a tiny area, while Furry Mama continually threw Pepper's ball for him. Baggy is going to end up like a mediaeval archer at this rate with one bicep twice the size of the other.........

Monday, 23 October 2017

Fighting like cat and dog!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 1.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Relaxed.

After Creative Clara had published Baggy's blog yesterday, the peace in the Baggy household was shattered. Baggy heard Pepper dash upstairs, so Furry Mama followed to make sure that all was well. As she reached the top of the stairs, Freda Fretter saw that Pepper and the mighty Hinge cat (as Baggy's friend Lettra calls her), were face-to-face on the landing. Clever Bird decided to wait and see how things panned out, much to Freda's concern. Hinge is a very large cat. More accurately, she's more like three cats in one, but as every one of her hairs was perpendicular to her body, she looked enormous! Pepper watched her, wagging his tail. He went in for a sniff. Suddenly all hell broke loose. A mad chase started. Freda panicked, one of her furries was in grave danger of getting hurt. Hinge and Pepper charged into the bedroom. Furry Mama shot in afterwards expecting carnage. But thankfully all was well. Pepper had leapt onto the safety of the bed where he was laying with bulging eyes! Hinge was sitting on the carpet, licking her paws, growling at him.

Furry Mama couldn't help it - she laughed! The last thing she'd expected was Hinge to be brave enough to chase Pepper. But seeing her looking like some crazed fur ball, hissing and growling in very fast pursuit of a dog three times her size was not just funny, but a very big relief! She told Pepper what a good boy he was and went and stroked her lovely Hinge. Hinge's fur returned to its normal position and she started to purr loudly. Pepper watched on, not daring to move. Furry Mama went and stroked Pepper. Hinge carried on purring.

This morning, number one furry left for work at silly o'clock, as usual for a Monday. Hinge had joined them on the bed earlier and stayed with Baggy when Calum left. Eventually there was the usual morning whimper from Pepper's crate. His collar was downstairs, but Furry Mama decided to let him out anyway. After his usual stretch, he leapt onto the bed for his morning cuddle. There was a hiss and growl. Pepper froze, then lay down next to Furry Mama. Hinge didn't move. She started purring. Pepper curled up having licked Baggy's face. Everyone fell back to sleep! They all surfaced at 9.00! Clever Bird now needs to try and persuade little Bracket to come out from under the spare bed. Hopefully if Hinge becomes totally happy with Pepper, Bracket might follow suit.

Furry Mama decided to take Pepper to Dunwich today. Clever Bird realised that the "long" walks that she used to do with Minty Mutt, weren't very long at all. Today she added lots of bits and doubled back more than once, to make it a properly long walk.

Furry Mama did a bit of "sit and wait" training in the thirteenth-century Friary ruins. Pepper was fascinated by the sheep. He is fifty-percent collie, but Clever Bird can't decide whether he's ever seen sheep before.

As a treat at the end of the walk, Furry Mama threw his ball lots while Baggy sat on the pebbles like a super-trainer waiting for him to bring it back to her. Furry Mama was so lucky to have a one-in-a-million dog like Minty Mutt, she can't believe how lucky she is to have been chosen by another one.......

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Life is a whirlwind.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 1.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Chilled.

Today is Pepper Pooch's first birthday. Today he became a grown-up. Well as grown-up as anyone in Baggy's immediate family anyway i.e. not at all. A bunch of big kids - especially number one furry. But lovely with it. Tomorrow is Baggy and Calum's seventh wedding anniversary. A reminder of just how rapidly time flies by. Of course their beloved Minty Mutt was one of the chief members of the wedding party on that wonderful day.

As were Baggy's dad and step-mum.

None of them is around any longer. They all had long and good lives, although sadly both Baggy's mum and Minty Mutt suffered from dementia in their final years. It's a fact that none of us is here forever, so making the most of the time that we do have is all important. Rescuing Pepper was one of the best things that's happened to the Baggy household since it was first formed eight-and-a-half years ago. It hasn't just changed his life for the better, it's changed Baggy's life for the better as well.

He was given up because:
  • He has "terrible separation anxiety" and his owner was about to go from part-time to full time work and wouldn't have been able to leave him.
  • He is "stubborn and untrainable".
  • He has "no re-call".
The only truth is that he does have separation anxiety, in fact he has a lot of anxiety in general (especially in busy places), because he hasn't been properly socialised. Clever Bird suspects that he's been left on his own (probably shut up somewhere) for long periods and never known when it would end. He hasn't had any training, or if he has it was done by someone who didn't know what they were doing, as he is the cleverest little chap. Compared with Minty Mutt he is way better trained than he was at one. Mind you that's Baggy's fault, as Grotty Groom got seriously hurt when Mint was five months old and couldn't even walk him herself for the next seven months. But in just two weeks Pepper is already better trained than the very clever Minty Mutt ever was! And he has given Baggy the strength to get over Mint's death and a new purpose for Hormonal Hannah.

Number one furry went out and bought Pepper some surprise presents while Furry Mama was playing ball with the pooch. He opened them when they got home.

Baggy knows that she's one of the luckiest women in the world, and she will continue to enjoy every moment that she has with her furries because life flies by so fast...........

Friday, 20 October 2017

No rest.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Invigorating.

Baggy managed a bit of a lie-in this morning! Hormonal Hannah needed a loo visit at around Pepper Pooch's getting up time, so when she went back into the bedroom Furry Mama opened the door of his crate before she got back in bed. Much to her surprise, Pepper stayed here he was and went back to sleep. When he decided it was time to get up at 8.15am, instead of leaping on the bed, he just put his head on the mattress next to Baggy. Sweet dog.

Furry Mama decided on another trip to Dunwich Heath today. It rained all the way there, so Furry Mama decided that the pooch could wear his new coat.

She was wearing a matching red one! It was rather a wild and woolly sea, although it stopped raining.

But Freda Fretter decided that the sea was too dangerous to risk letting Pepper off the lead.

So they headed back to the heath for a circular walk, with much ball chasing. After an hour or so, Baggy fancied a cappuccino and Furry Mama decided that it would be good training for Pepper to go inside a café for the first time. The National Trust café at Dunwich Heath allows dogs, so in they went for a coffee and cheese scone. There was a large fluffy fur ball, which was a puppy Old English Sheepdog, just feet away from them. It was barking its head off at Pepper. Pepper looked at it. Furry Mama said, "Leave". Pepper looked at her and lay down at her feet, where he stayed quietly, sharing her cheese scone. He couldn't have been better behaved if he'd tried.

They then set off on another longer walk, round the heath and woodland. By then the weather had changed to that drizzle that soaks you through. Pepper still chased his ball.  They pretty much had the heath to themselves. Apart from some beautiful red deer (they really are in this photo baggees).

Baggy sat on a bench and watched the deer, who watched her, while Pepper had a rest. They set off again. After a few hundred yards, Clever Bird realised that Furry Mama had left Pepper's lead on the bench. They went back for it. The deer were still there. Furry Mama threw the ball constantly for Pepper as they headed back to Billy Bob Jalopy. He covered four times the ground that Baggy did, as he hurtled after his ball. As they approached the final few hundred yards before the road, Freda Fretter put Pepper back on his flexi-lead. But Furry Mama kept bouncing his ball for him. Then Hormonal Hannah got involved; Furry Mama forgot herself and threw the ball. Pepper flew after it. It bounced. Clever Bird realised that it was going much further than the length of the lead! Heaven alone knows what Freda Fretter was thinking, but she decided not to let go of the lead! She held on to it tightly. Baggy was literally launched horizontally. She landed on the ground. Hard! At which point she let go of the lead. Pepper just looked at her. Baggy brushed the mud off herself, and carried on, feeling like an idiot.

Back at Billy Bob, Clever Bird realised that they'd walked for over two-and-a-half hours.

Pepper Pooch was worn out, Baggy was surprisingly okay.

Baggy drove the thirty-minutes home, while Pepper slept on the back shelf of Billy Bob with his head lolling over the back seat. Baggy got in and had a cup of tea. Pepper decided that it was time to play ball. Bless him, he never stops, but he's given Hormonal Hannah a new reason to get up in the mornings, and even Hannah is happy these days.............