Wednesday, 18 October 2017


Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Tiring but wonderful.

Bracket decided she wanted a Furry Mama cuddle at 3.00am. She woke Baggy with her constant wailing meows until she got up and went and gave her a cuddle in the bathroom. Hinge decided that she needed a Furry Mama cuddle at 5.00am. She woke Baggy by jumping on the bed and head-butting her, until Furry Mama stroked her. Now bearing in mind that albeit he was in his crate, this was a mere few feet away from Pepper Pooch, this was a good result. Baggy attempted to get back to sleep, but it's not easy with a purring fur ball literally bashing her nose. She did nod off briefly, but was woken by a little whimper. Pepper needed a cuddle too. Furry Mama removed the mighty Hinge from Baggy's stomach and she relocated to Baggy's pillow. Furry Mama opened Pepper's crate, he stretched and gave her a sloppy kiss on the nose as she put his collar and lead on (just in case!) Baggy glanced across, the Hinge was still on the pillow watching closely. Pepper knew she was there, but was more interested in having a tummy tickle. All good. Baggy realised that she might as well get up; it was 6.30am! Hormonal Hannah remembered with fondness, those recent days when she could have a lie-in until mid-morning - those pre-Pepper days. But Clever Bird soon put her right, they were not lie-ins, they were "I-can't-face-the-day-ins".

As Baggy's sister pointed out, part of Hormonal Hannah's anxiety in recent months, was because it was clear to Furry Mama that Minty Mutt was living on borrowed time for the last few months. Now he's at peace, and Baggy has no choice but to get up to keep the new pooch stimulated! Baggy is very lucky that she's able to let Furry Mama spend so much quality time with Pepper. This morning, they were at Southwold by 9.00am. They headed on to the beach and Pepper instantly got so over-excited, that he was in danger of strangling himself on the end of his flexi-lead. As the beach was relatively quiet, Furry Mama decided to let him off the lead. He charged about like a whippet, exploring the beach and leaping away from the sea. It occurred to Clever Bird that Furry Mama had no ball with her. Panic. She called Pepper who was by now at least two-hundred yards away. He came back! Furry Mama gave him a treat. Off he shot again. She called and he came back again. Furry Mama decided not to push her luck. She put him back on the lead and headed to the beach café to buy him a tennis ball. On the way they met a little spaniel off lead who really wanted to play. "Is she okay to play, will she come back?" enquired Furry Mama.
"Oh yes".
"Okay, well if you're sure I'll let mine off".

The two dogs hurtled about chasing each other, faster and faster, getting further and further away. Freda Fretter began to regret Furry Mama's decision! "Pepper come here". Nothing. The spaniel chased him further and further away. Pepper looped back towards Furry Mama. The man called his dog. Nothing. The spaniel chased Pepper into the sea - not just into the little waves, properly into the sea! "Oh ****! I don't even know if he can swim". Baggy started to trot back towards the sea, just as Pepper disappeared completely under a wave. It was obvious to Clever Bird that Furry Mama was going to be that stupid human who put her own life in danger to try and save her beloved furry. There is quite an undercurrent at Southwold, and the sea gets very deep very suddenly thanks to a pebble-shelf, but this wasn't going to stop Baggy from trying to save the pooch. Even as she realised this, Pepper reappeared - slightly chastened, but still running from the spaniel. More ineffectual calling by the man. "She's a monkey. She's one and she never comes back to me. Freda! Freda!"

"Great", thought Freda Fretter, "even its name is a worry". Furry Mama decided to be positive, "Come on Pepper. What's this?" He came. Phew! Furry Mama put him back on his lead and went and bought him two tennis balls! They walked along the promenade, playing catch all the way. They had a little rest just before the pier.

Furry Mama decided to see whether Pepper would walk along it.

It is rather scary after all. Even Baggy's not too sure about it - slatted wooden planks that you can see through to the sea pounding below. But Pepper wasn't even vaguely worried!

They headed into town - Pepper's nemesis. It wasn't too busy and his "sits" at road sides are now verging on perfect, but bleepy reversing lorries and squeaky cars soon scared him, so Furry Mama headed back to the peace of the shorefront. Baggy treated herself to a cappuccino and watched a fishing boat, literally a few feet from the sea shore! Apparently they have a special licence to fish for Sea Bass.

By the time they got home, it was lunch time. Pepper has been asleep ever since, until a few minutes ago. Time for another walk..............

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