Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Psychic Ploppo is taking over Pepper training.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: Nope.
Overall day: Uplifting!

Apologies baggees that Baggy's blogs at the moment all feature a certain cute mongrel, but that is kind of inevitable, as he is a full-time job! Yet again Baggy slept on the floor with Pepper last night so that Furry Mama could reassure him. She did try very hard to go up to bed and leave him, but he barks (a very high puppy-style scared bark), constantly. The first time at 1.00am, she managed five minutes before it broke her heart and she went back down to him. The second time at 3.00am, she lasted ten minutes, by which time she could hear that he was beginning to hyperventilate. Clever Bird realised that he really isn't  "just trying it on", he is extremely anxious that he has been abandoned. Baggy's breathing also becomes rather strained when Hormonal Hannah's anxiety levels shoot up! So Furry Mama stopped trying to leave him. Interestingly, after that decision, when she just went to the loo, Pepper didn't make a sound, so at least that's a step in the right direction. But Baggy is getting more tired and stiff by the day. She needs her own, very comfy bed.

Clever Bird and Psychic Ploppo have come up with a plan for Furry Mama. Ploppo has already tuned in to Pepper in lots of ways, and it is obvious to her that Pepper has some very similar issues to Baggy. Baggy spends a huge amount of time on her own - well at least without human company - she is fine with that, but only because she has furry company. Leave her entirely on her own and she's not in a great place. Regardless she switches the radio or television on the moment she walks into the house, so that she has "company". She has to have a light on at all times, a night light in her room, or the bathroom light left on if she stays away somewhere. Pepper also needs sound, light and company - preferably in his case, human. He cannot cope on his own, at all. As long as he has company, he is fairly confident about other things, but if he loses his confidence he instantly needs a human - Furry Mama, at the moment.

When Minty Mutt came home with Baggy at just seven weeks old, Furry Mama introduced him to a crate too. But so that he wasn't scared, the crate was in Baggy's bedroom until he felt quite comfortable that he was safe in it, then she moved it downstairs. Pepper has been abandoned by his family, put into rescue kennels for two weeks, and then brought into a totally new world with new people. No wonder he doesn't want to be left. So Baggy is going to totally ignore what the trainers said last Thursday and move Pepper's crate up to her bedroom. Baggy can sleep in her bed and hopefully Pepper will feel more secure when she gets up for whatever reason.  One little problem with that plan, Hinge and Bracket have been using the room as their safe place since Pepper arrived. But actually that might be a good thing! They'll be able to see each other from a protected distance. However, how on Earth Baggy is going to physically achieve this manoeuvre this afternoon, remains to be seen!

Furry Mama took Pepper for a walk, then to the vets for his check-up. He is lovely and healthy! Then she decided that a trip to Walberswick would do Hannah and Pepper good. They walked (well Pepper hurtled on the end of Mint's flexi-lead) along the beach and back through the village for nearly ninety minutes. Met lots of dogs. Met lots of people. Met lots of new sights. Had a wonderful time!


The lad is definitely led by his nose. So many new smells. He even decided to brave a little paddle! By the time they got back to Billy Bob, they'd been out for nearly ninety minutes.

Pepper immediately settled in his favourite place. Baggy decided to chill out on the sofa with him for a while. Calum called. They had a chat while he had his break. Baggy could almost pretend that he was with them. By the time they got home, they'd been out for four hours and Pepper had not done one wee-wee. Bless him that's not normal - especially for a boy dog! He couldn't wait to do one on the patio. No more praising from Furry Mama when he does so, as she doesn't want him to think that that's the only place he's allowed to go.

Baggy just wanted a cup of tea. And a healthy lunch! Pepper collapsed in a large heap.

Aside from every time that Furry Mama moves, when Pepper follows, he has now been asleep for two-and-a-half hours. Creative Clara is writing this blog sitting on the sofa with him flat out next to her. Yes baggees, Ploppo and Clever Bird are ignoring that training rule too! As long as he isn't a whirling dervish on the sofa, he can stay on it. It will be time for another walk soon............

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