Friday, 13 October 2017

Big mistake - BIG!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 0.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Crazy.

It is after all Friday 13th, so you'd think that Clever Bird might have factored that into her decision for the day. But this is Clever Bird we're talking about. So her plan for the day, was for Furry Mama to take Pepper Pooch to Dunwich Heath for a decent, sea-air invigorating walk. They had another quiet night, but Pepper was ready to get up at 7.00am and who is Furry Mama to argue? By 9.00am they were at the Heath!

A quick aside baggees!

Depression: Ways to help manage it, as advised to Hormonal Hannah when she went on her stress management course.
  • Get up early.
  • Have a routine.
  • Get plenty of exercise.
  • Get out in the fresh air.
  • Do things that you enjoy.
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Eat well.
And how many of these was she doing? Well none really.

Clever Bird's suggestion for helping to manage depression. If it's an option, rescue a pooch. Preferably one with at least as many issues, if not more, than you have; who needs lots of exercise and stimulation; and lots of love. By default you will end up doing everything that you're advised to do.

Back to today. Furry Mama and Pepper headed to the beach and set off towards Sizewell. There was no one around.

Clever Bird decided to find out if Pepper's re-call was even vaguely there. It seemed safe enough.

While Furry Mama, "Awwwwed", and Creative Clara took photos, it occurred to Pepper Pooch that he was free. Before Clever Bird could react and get Furry Mama to at least try to call him back, he'd gone! Flat out, greyhound gallop, off up the beach. "Okay," thought Furry Mama, "no problem, there's nowhere he can go. The top of the beach is fenced off as it's now an RSPB reserve. He can't get out of Baggy's sight".
"Oh. Where is he?"
A black flash whizzed behind the sand dunes. "Don't panic. Just call him", thought Furry Mama.
"Pepper come". Nothing.
"Pepper come".
Baggy saw him whizz past again, on the wrong side of the fence.

"Oh ****".
Baggy headed up the beach. Pepper was charging about wagging his tail, perfectly happy because he knew exactly where Furry Mama was, even if she kept losing sight of him. She called him again.
"Pepper come".
Clever Bird decided on a change of plan. Furry Mama unpacked the cheesy training treats from her pocket. "Pepper, what's this?"
Pebbles flew everywhere as Pepper hurtled back to Furry Mama, who was so relieved that she opened the Tupperware pot to get him a cheesy treat out, then decided to let him help himself to a few!

Back on his lead, they set off again. It's hard walking on pebbles and soft sand. Fact. Furry Mama wanted to see the dicky birds, so they went into a hide.

No birds. They set off again. Eventually Clever Bird recognised a sluice and remembered that that was where Baggy used to turn off on a circular walk that she'd frequently do with her Dad. She decided to do the walk. After a while it occurred to Freda Fretter that the last time Baggy had done this walk was probably over twenty years ago. Was Hormonal Hannah actually going to be able to remember the route? Baggy's legs were beginning to ache. Her back, where her lung collapsed all those years ago, was literally burning. Pepper needed a drink. She checked the time. 10.15am. She was still walking away from where Billy Bob was parked. Pepper found a safe place to get to a stream. Baggy was tempted to join him. Eventually they came to the village that Baggy remembered. At which point Clever Bird also remembered that whenever Baggy had done this walk with her Dad they had stopped at the village pub for lunch (as it was such a long walk). Hmmmmm. The Eeel's Foot, may or may not have been open, but that was academic, as Baggy had no money on her. Furry Mama and Pepper carried on past it, trying to see a signpost for the footpath that would take her back to Dunwich Heath.

Nothing. Then she saw a road to the right. "Ah, thank goodness", thought Freda Fretter, "that must be the one that leads to the footpath". Phew! Big sign. "Minsmere RSPB Nature Reserve. No dogs." Freda panicked. Furry Mama carried on. She saw a footpath sign heading vaguely to the right, so she took it. She headed through stunning woodland, over heathland, wondering all the time where the heck she was. Clever Bird thought, "Well at least the sea is in front, so that's all good". They came to the top of a hill. Baggy could see the sea in the distance. The very far distance. Probably over two miles away to the north east of her - not straight ahead where the path was going. Freda phoned Calum. "Help, I'm lost. I've been walking for two hours and have no clue where I am". She explained her route so far.
"Yep, you're lost. I can do road directions, but not middle of nowhere directions".
Well at least Clever Bird now knew that Furry Mama needed to turn right.
"Oh, I can see a road. And a map! I'll speak to you later".
A relieved Furry Mama walked to the road that appeared to be heading back in vaguely the right direction. Phew! Big sign. "Minsmere RSPB Nature Reserve. No dogs." Noooooooooooooooooo! Okay, no choice. Furry Mama headed to the footpath straight ahead. Saw a chap and his son. "Is this the way to Dunwich Heath?"
"Yes, I think so, but it's quite a few miles". Baggy plodded on.

Clever Bird finally admitted to herself that she hadn't made the brightest decision, trying to remember a walk from twenty years ago! Especially as basically, it no longer exists, if you are a Furry Mama. Pepper free, the walk would probably be about six miles. But with Pepper, as the old route is now owned by the RSPB and therefore a dog-free zone, it was more like an eight or nine mile walk to negotiate the outskirts of the reserve. And it's not as if Baggy was dawdling either! It's not like a Minty Mutt walk, which was more of a gentle sniff pace, this is fast walking!

It really is a wonderful route though, but after nearly three hours of it, Freda Fretter has never been so pleased to see a sign!

Not that she was there yet. Still another ten minutes walk! Clever Bird isn't sure who was most relieved to see Billy Bob Jalopy!

Home. The Domestic Goddess rustled up a sandwich and cup of tea while Pepper snoozed. Clara started this blog. Seemingly in minutes (maybe it was an hour), Pepper started to cause chaos to get Furry Mama's attention. When that didn't work, he started an appealing woofing. Clara gave in. Pepper took her to the kitchen and sat and stared at the bag that he knew his ball was in! Thirty-minutes of ball throwing in the garden later, Pepper was panting like a demented train. Clara went back to this blog. Pepper went to sleep. Baggy's sister phoned Baggy. The ring-tone had Pepper jumping up and staring at Furry Mama. It became very clear very quickly, that another walk was needed. Thirty minutes later, Clara is back on her blog. Baggy's muscles are twitching. Baggy can't wait for number one furry to get home in a while a) because she really wants to see him and b) because it would be nice to let Furry Papa take over a few Pepper duties...............

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