Saturday, 30 September 2017

The Universe has Spoken!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: A few.
Overall day: Wonderful.

Baggy was up at 7.30am! Yep, really baggees. No Hormonal Hannah moping about in bed. Furry Mama was up and bossing The Domestic Goddess and Gloria Gardener about! The house looked the nicest it's looked since Baggy and Calum moved in. Every room sorted out, tidied, dusted, vacuumed and puppy-proofed (ish) ready for the home inspection by the rescue centre manager at 9.30. By the time she arrived at 10.00, Freda Fretter was a nervous wreck (she did say "around" 9.30). Baggy was very proud of her efforts and how beautiful her house looked. She let the lady in. "Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?"
"No thanks. I'm fine. Shall we look at the garden?"
"Oh, okay yes", said a disappointed Goddess, "maybe she does that second", she thought.

Garden checked out and totally approved. Just need to put in a gate and add some higher fencing to the patio walls, so that Pepper doesn't feel tempted to hurtle over them. "Right, now the house", thought Freda Fretter, while The Goddess told her to stop being an idiot as it looked great. "So you'll be able to get all the fencing sorted before he comes then?"
"Before he comes? BEFORE HE COMES?!?!?!" "Yes, no problem."
"Now the house", thought The Goddess.
"Well I'll see you later then".
"But - all that effort - she needs to be convinced - she is idiot - no really convinced - maybe show her a photo of Minty Mutt in the snug - good plan Clever Bird".

"This is my gorgeous Boy".

"He looks lovely".
"He was! And look at this. I picked this stone up in the pitch black on Southwold beach on Monday night. I was looking for lucky stones and it was face down in the sea while I was paddling, but I knew that it was Minty's stone. I said to Calum, 'Apparently this is Mint's stone. Can you see what I saw the next day when I looked at it?"

"Well, there's a German Shepherd's head! There's even that "kohl" line that they have up the side of their eyes."
"It's not just me imagining it then?"
"No. Wow. How amazing".

She headed off to the centre. Furry Mama couldn't stop grinning. The postman arrived. With a beautiful card from the vets saying "how sorry they were, but that we'd made the right decision for Mint". Furry Mama cried. Shortly afterwards Furry Mama headed off to the centre. As she pulled in, the manager was leaving in an animal ambulance. She wound the window down. "I just have to take him to the vets. His swelling is worse. I want to get it checked. Please feel free to wait in the office."

She got back an hour later. Thankfully Pepper is fine. He's having a bad reaction to the internal sutures and is on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills. She'd thought it might be a hernia. He just needs to rest. He has to see the vet again on Wednesday, but he should be able to go home with Furry Mama that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Furry Mama took him for a gentle walk round the common. He is a total sweetheart. Clever Bird noticed in the sunshine that Pepper's coat has a lot of reddy-brown and white in the black. They had a lovely time. Baggy could not stop grinning, even as she thought of her walks with lovely Mint. After a brief walk, Baggy sat on the living area in Billy Bob and gave Pepper masses of cuddles. He is so clever!

She really didn't want to leave, but he had to go back to his kennel, so Clever Bird had a chat with the manager.
  • At his training yesterday he was classed as highly intelligent.
  • He has no idea how to walk on a lead.
  • He is a friendly little boy, with zero sign of stubbornness.
  • The vet thinks he is a lovely lad.
  • The manager thinks from his coat colour and the way he stands, that he might well have German Shepherd in him!
  • He should be able to go home with Furry Mama on Wednesday.
Baggy couldn't make her mind up whether to laugh or cry with happiness. And she is happy. Even Hormonal Hannah is happy, in spite of missing Minty Mutt all the time, she knows that Mint is watching and loving Pepper. Sometimes the Universe just speaks.....................

PS baggees, after all The Goddess's efforts she wants to show you her efforts!

PPS baggees, look who has decided that the crate that Furry Mama has put in the bedroom for Pepper is hers!

Baggy thanks you Universe.

Friday, 29 September 2017

Hopeless woman.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 4.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Constructive.

After an atrocious night's sleep, Baggy still managed to get up at a reasonable time. Number one furry got himself into biker mode and headed off to a rally for the weekend. Freda Fretter was rather worried how Hormonal Hannah was going to make Baggy feel when she was on her own, but actually she was okay. Mainly because she had a plan. Take Grotty Groom to the yard to see the Boys and meet the farrier. Then head to the rescue centre to see Pepper.

The first part of the plan was fine. Grotty spent some time with each lad. Gave them both a good groom, even though they were a bit soggy. Picked them lots of rosehips each. Had a cup of tea and a natter. Mucked out both their stables where they'd made a mess waiting for their new shoes. Turned Wessles out. Gave them another cuddle and a couple of hours after arriving, set off to see Pepper.

As you know baggees, Furry Mama was there on Wednesday and yesterday, so she knew where it was didn't she? Well, no, apparently she didn't! Now admittedly they went via a different route each time. The first time Calum drove there (following the sat. nav. directions, only he went wrong and it re-planned the route along little back roads). The second time Baggy drove, along the correct route, with Calum directing her. It was a much more straight forward journey along main roads, until the little turning to Hales Green hamlet. Simples!

Baggy set off happily. Eventually came to a roundabout she didn't remember. Decided she had past the little turning. Went back round the roundabout looking for the turning. Couldn't find it. Went back up the road. Got to the roundabout again. Went back the way she came - again. No turning. Decided to try turning left at the roundabout. Drove a few miles. No turning. Freda Fretter was beginning to panic. Eventually she came to a sign saying Hales Green. Clever Bird knew that it wasn't the turning that she was looking for, bit it was the right place, so she turned off. Onto a gravel track over a cattle grid. Big sign - Private Property. Private road to blah blah properties. No through road to Meadowsgreen Rescue Centre. Oh heck!

Baggy turned Billy Bob Jalopy around (with some difficulty) and headed along a teeny-weeny track. To another teeny-weeny track. Which led to a T-junction. However this is Suffolk - NO sign posts! Baggy made a random decision to turn right. After a few miles of NOTHING, she turned round and headed the other way, with zero idea where she was heading to. The road went on, and on, and on. No turn-offs. No sign posts. Freda was beginning to panic as by now it was nearly 1.30pm and the centre closes at 3.00pm. Eventually she came to a little junction. She decided to turn left. Clever Bird suddenly recognised the "dingly dell avenue" that they had travelled down on on Wednesday. Then she recognised a house. And a barn. And a pheasant on a muck heap - well the muck heap anyway, well actually perhaps it was the same pheasant. Anyway, finally, nearly forty minutes after not knowing the roundabout, Baggy got to the centre. Phew!

She wandered into reception. Furry Mama was silly excited about seeing Pepper. The owner came over, "Oh, hello, I didn't know you were coming today, Luke isn't here".
"That's okay," said Furry Mama, thinking that he was just out for a walk or something.
"I sent him over to Norwich for a training session."
Baggy's heart fell. But it wasn't a totally wasted journey. Baggy signed Furry Mama up as a volunteer walker so that she can walk Luke, soon-to-be-known-as-Pepper, on her own  tomorrow. She also arranged for the home check - tomorrow morning at 9.30am. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! The Domestic Goddess and Gloria Gardener have not stopped since she got home. Even Furry Mama got involved. She's made The Goddess totally reorganise the bedroom so that a dog crate can fit in it. Right baggees, please all cross your fingers that Furry Mama gets approval tomorrow. Another sleepless night for Baggy coming up, but Furry Mama is soooooooo excited....................

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Introducing Pepper!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: Cried dry.
Overall day(s): Exhausting.

The seeming suddenness of beloved Minty Mutt's demise totally knocked Furry Mama and Calum for six. Having to make the devastating decision on Monday to stop his suffering, was made somewhat easier by the fact that by then, not only would he not eat, not even his favourite cheese, he just didn't seem to recognise Baggy or Calum. He didn't even respond to his own name. The poor lad was literally terrified while he was at the vets and wouldn't let them near him, but he also wouldn't come to Furry Mama for reassurance. It was awful. But hopefully he is now out of pain and romping around in Heaven with lots of new pals.

But the hole he has left is enormous. He will never be forgotten, and he will never be replaced, that just wouldn't be possible. However, the house without him in it, is suddenly not Baggy and Calum's house! It feels like Baggy's father's house once again. It is way too quiet and way too empty. Even with the television on and Hinge and Bracket cats (who are also missing Minty), looking for extra cuddles, it's weirdly quiet and "cold". Hormonal Hannah and Furry Mama just fell apart. It was all so sudden that it was a major shock, and it was clear that Hannah was going to drop into a bad cycle very quickly. Baggy could not stop crying. And to be honest baggees, Calum wasn't much better. Mint was always there. Even when he was fast asleep behind the sofa, he snuffled and snored and leapt about in his sleep. He got up to check no one had left the room. He came for cuddles. If either cat jumped on Furry Mama, he instantly came to shoo them off her and get his pat. Put your shoes on - he expected a walk. Put the bins out - he leapt about and barked. Go into the garden - he followed you. Get some cheese out of the fridge - he was there! Sit down at the dining table for supper - he lay next to you. Move rooms - he came as well. Try to leave - he blocked you. Just always there. Now he's not and it's just not right.

He was put to sleep at lunchtime on Monday. When they got home Furry Mama literally couldn't cope. Truthfully, Mint's death has affected her more badly than Baggy's father's death. Hannah took Baggy to bed and she slept for five hours. Then she couldn't be in the house, so she persuaded Calum to go to Southwold with her. They went to the harbour pub (that they took Mint to a few times) and had fish and chips and a sausage for Mint. Plus Hannah had a very large glass of wine. But Hannah still didn't want to go home (to her safe place - that now felt far from safe without Mint), so they went and sat on the beach in the pitch black, with Southwold lighthouse sweeping its light over them every few seconds. Furry Mama had a paddle in Mint's honour. Eventually they had to go home.

Hannah went back to her refuge - bed. Despite sleeping for five hours earlier in the day, she instantly fell asleep. Badly and with lots of wakefulness, bad dreams and tears, but she slept. Tuesday was ghastly. Hannah can't remember it really. Just lots of crying and feeling lost. Meanwhile Calum, was also not coping very well. Bless him, he had managed to take the week off to look after Baggy so that she wouldn't be on her own. He started looking at rescue dogs. Hannah wasn't amused. No way was Furry Mama even considering getting another dog. But Calum kept looking. As he did, Clever Bird thought about Hannah, who was already making Baggy take to her bed. Her anxiety levels were at "panic attack" level. When Calum went back to work, what would Hannah do? Stay in bed? Possibly. Stay in the house? Almost certainly. The only thing keeping Baggy going recently has been the need to get Furry Mama out with Minty Mutt. Clever Bird joined Freda Fretter in worrying about Baggy's depression coming back with a vengeance. "Which rescue site are you looking at?"
"RSPCA. Look how cute he is".
There are hundreds of dogs needing homes. Every size, shape, breed, age, colour imaginable. Very sad. Lots of gorgeous cute ones. Furry Mama got side-tracked admiring them. But kept seeing Alsations and getting even more upset.

In the middle of the night, as Hannah got Baggy up to go to the bathroom, Furry Mama checked where Mint was laying so that she could step over him, then burst into tears when she realised that he wasn't there. Clever Bird tried to imagine another dog on Mint's bed that was still at the end of their bed - she couldn't. Baggy went and got headache pills and went back to bed. She couldn't sleep. Maybe, just maybe, Clever Bird could imagine another dog at the end of the bed. Baggy slept. On Wednesday both Furry Mama and Calum were looking at rescue dogs on the internet. "Shall we go and see a few?" asked Calum.
Baggy's heart rate rose. Furry Mama burst into tears - again. Clever Bird pointed out to Baggy that Hannah was getting more stroppy, anxious, tearful and panicky by the minute. Maybe she should think about it. What's the harm in looking? She needed to get out of he house anyway!
"Okay, I suppose we could".
Except that when they checked, pretty much every large rescue charity is closed all day Wednesday. Then they spotted an individual one. In Norfolk. Actually, only twenty-minutes away. They only had six dogs on their website, but by now Clever Bird was more convinced that Furry Mama needed doggy cuddles and to get out of the "empty" house.

When they found the centre in the most beautiful location, they were rather surprised that if the frantic barking was anything to go by, there were more than six dogs there. In fact there were probably about two dozen. Stunning greyhounds. Lovely staffies. Bouncy terriers. Sweet lurchers. Little mongrels. And, the first dog that Furry Mama spotted, as a little black nose shoved through the bars to sniff Baggy's hand! There were names and brief notes on every cage. Nearly every dog could not be with cats. This one could, he had lived with a cat. Every dog was frantically barking. This one wasn't. A lot of the dogs were elderly. Not this one, he was only ten months old. Many were huge. Not this one, but he wasn't too small either. Some were terrified. Not this one though, he was friendly. Some were going demented, trying to get a stroke and get out of their cage. Not this one, he was very calm, just stood up and shoved his nose through the bars. Furry Mama was smitten. So was Calum.

They asked to meet him and were told they could take him for a little walk. The moment he left his cage, he was on a mission to escape to the freedom of the lovely green common. Quite strong. Very quick. Over bouncy. Totally focussed on everything except the humans. By now Furry Mama was in love. Calum was grinning. Chats followed. A "Reserved" sign was put on his door! Meet Pepper baggees.

Well actually his name is Luke, but Calum and Furry Mama don't think he's a Luke, so they will be renaming him if everything goes according to plan. He is a ten-month old Labrador/Border Collie cross and he arrived at the centre as an "emergency" at the weekend. Clever Bird is well aware that he is going to be a handful, but Baggy needs a challenge to keep Hannah from taking the gang over again. Lots of walks; training classes; maybe even agility classes - that will get Baggy fitter! But more to the point, it will get her out of the house! And having a life. And not falling apart at the seams because losing her constant companion is so hard. Soon she will have a new constant companion. He also has issues! Like Baggy, he has major separation anxiety, so they can work on that together!

Furry Mama and Calum went to see him again today. Baggy was actually so excited that she was awake and wanting to get up at 3.00am! She was actually up at 8.30am and put The Domestic Goddess to work getting the house ready for a "home inspection". So instead of Furry Mama feeling as though she was "clearing out" Minty's things, she felt as though she was preparing for Pepper! Minty would have approved. They were at the rescue centre for 11.00am and took Pepper out. Well a kennel staff lady did, without even letting Furry Mama and Calum say "Hello", but Clever Bird realised that she didn't know that they had come yesterday. But what was really lovely was that Pepper recognised them and was desperate to say "Hi". After a while the kennel lady gave the lead to Calum. Cal immediately made a fuss of him, as did Furry Mama. Then he set off again. Furry Mama took over. A few "ahhhhs" and Pepper understood not to pull. Teaching him to heal should be no problem. Freda Fretter had the worry that he had no training, but when Furry Mama asked him to "sit", it was instant! Bless him. The notes said he was "stubborn and unbiddable", even the rescue centre owner said that she hadn't found this to be true, Furry Mama certainly didn't!

When they got back after a short walk a) he's a puppy b) he's just been neutered and is swollen and bruised, Calum asked if they could just sit with him for a while. They could. Furry Mama tried a few new things. He ignored "Luke". Instantly responded to Pepper! He understands "touch". He understood "leave" and "stay" when dogs went past. Apparently he has no recall, but Clever Bird knows he'll soon get it - the lad is a genius! Yes baggees they both already love the lad, and he so deserves a break!

Creative Clara asked to take a few photos (cameras are banned), it was okay, so Baggy went back to Billy Bob to get her camera. Apparently, Pepper didn't stop looking for her! These photos are as she returned! He was soon put back in his cage sadly.

But tomorrow, Calum is off on a bike rally for the weekend, and after Grotty Groom has been to see her Boys, Furry Mama will go to visit Pepper - with a new leather collar, treats and food :) She hopes to get the home inspection sorted and take over his ownership in the next few days, even though he won't be able to come home until his swelling has gone down, in another week or so, if she owns him a) Freda Fretter can stop worrying that something might go wrong and he won't be the new furry of the family and b) she can take him for walks on his own. Either way Baggy is excited to be going over to see him every day until he (hopefully) comes home with them. Baggy actually wants to go out. Calum and Furry Mama are very excited. Clever Bird is sure that it's a good decision for Hormonal Hannah. It's definitely a good decision for Pepper.............

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

RIP Minty Mutt.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: Millions.
Overall day(s): Ghastly!

Yesterday Calum and Furry Mama had to make the most difficult decision any Furry Parents ever have to make. RIP Minty Mutt, you will never be forgotten. You will always be missed. Baggy is currently not sure how she is going to manage without you. Apologies baggees but Baggy might need some time out, hope you understand.