Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The day started really badly!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Sunny Yellow to Dark Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2 to 9.
Tears: Copious amounts.
Overall day(s): 😕

Despite yesterday being Monday, and number one furry heading off to work at 4.00am, Hormonal Hannah was in a great place.  Furry Mama walked Minty Mutt looking at the huge sky, perfectly happy to be out enjoying the wonderful day - full of the joys of autumn in fact. Gloria Gardener spent a few happy hours attacking weeds. It was a great day.

Today on the other hand - not so much. Baggy had back-to-back, at best bad dreams, at worst nightmares, last night, but the last one was a doozy. Even though Clever Bird was well aware that it was nonsense and would never happen, it put Hormonal Hannah in a terrible place this morning. She woke herself up in tears. Needed time out on Facebook to try and calm down. Cried through her cup of tea. And was having a mini panic attack. It was a real struggle to persuade Baggy to take Furry Mama out with Mint, but Clever Bird knew she had to leave the house. On the walk, she saw the neighbours that Gloria Gardener is buying part of her graden back from. They told her that "completion" on the land purchase is today! Really? Nice of her totally useless solicitor to tell Baggy that. That should have cheered Hannah up - it didn't. She should have cheered up even more when she realised she had e-mails to say that she had a new booking for the holiday cottage and an order for Realuv, but she didn't. She called number one furry as she walked, and he was his usual wonderfully supportive self - Baggy's reaction - more tears.

The original plan for today had been to take Grotty Groom to the yard to lunge Wesley and Joey, but just the thought of that had Hannah's anxiety levels at panic attack level. More tears. Calum suggested that when Creative Clara took her parcel to the post office she should carry on driving and go and have a cup of tea at the yard. No need to do anything with the horses. No need to even see them. Just go. Pressure gone, anxiety levels very slightly reduced, Clever Bird decided that this was a good plan. Clara wrapped her parcel, settled Minty Mutt and went out to Billy Bob Jalopy. His left ear had fallen off! Fortunately it wasn't broken. Clever Bird taped it back on.

Parcel posted, Baggy headed to the yard. There was no one around. Baggy made herself a cup of tea and sat in the tea room. Her sister called, so she chatted to her while drinking her tea. Hannah's anxiety subsided slightly, although she had tears in her eyes (again). Then the yard manager arrived, so Baggy had a quick chat. She told Grotty that there were some apples in the stable block. Clever Bird decided that as she was there, Grotty needed to go and see her Boys. She grabbed a couple of apples and headed to the paddocks. They were very happily munching grass. As soon as they saw Grotty they both headed for her. Hannah instantly felt a little better.

They loved their apples. Grotty went into Wesley's paddock for a cuddle.

He has his own hedge.

Grotty went into action, although Clever Bird couldn't quite understand why Baggy could barely reach what she was after. Then she watched Wesley curl back his lips, and very delicately, just using his teeth, carefully pick off a blackberry. But he quickly decided that it was a lot more convenient to let his Mum do it.

Even before she started to pick the blackberries, everywhere that Grotty walked, Wesley followed her, but as soon as he realised what she was up to, he was glued to her, nudging her when he didn't think she was being fast enough. Within a few minutes of this Hannah was also no longer anxious.

Feeling almost "normal" once more, Baggy left Wesley's paddock and left him to his grass.

Before, giving Joey his share of blackberries.

On the way home, Baggy realised that she has another "safe place" - Billy Bob. Clever Bird pointed out to her that in that case, she needs to go out in him more! If she doesn't leave him, so be it, but hopefully when she arrives somewhere, like the yard, she will get out!

Sexy huh baggees? NOT! Baggy doesn't believe in the whole perfect selfie thing (as you've no doubt noticed), but the even-more-messy-than-usual-hair, is thanks to Grotty getting Baggy stuck in the brambles quite a few times, while she tried to stretch to the blackberries that Wesley couldn't reach!

Back home Gloria Gardener decided that Hannah mustn't be allowed to make Baggy anxious and upset again. She kept her very busy. Creative Clara forgot to take the before pictures, but this is how many bags of weeds she filled.

At least she is now working in a garden that she owns - well according to her neighbour anyway.

Now she's having a glass of low alcohol wine to celebrate that over six years since the land saga began, it seems to be finally resolved. She will be having a late night (in the hope that she'll sleep without nightmares) in her newly tranquil bedroom. The only thing missing is number one furry, but at least he's with her in spirit. And finally Hannah's anxiety levels are back down to a manageable level.........

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