Sunday, 19 March 2017

Feeling bad.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Black
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 6!!!
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Today's version will be Yorkshire puddings.
Syns (Baggy is allowed 8-15): Way too many.
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): Didn't dare to check.
Overall day:  😥

Probably not surprisingly after yesterday, Baggy woke up in a bad place this morning. She ate and drank way too much last night and ended up going to bed at 8.30pm, feeling rough. She got up this morning feeling anxious, jittery and very low. Grotty Groom had suggested yesterday that they go and ride the Boys today, but Clever Bird realised that Baggy was not in the right frame of mind to be getting on The Boy Wessles! He would not have understood her shaky anxiousness. Also, when Furry Mama went out to check on Minty Mutt, it was crazy-windy and cold. Baggy got even more anxious.
"Did you want to ride still?" asked Calum.
"Yes, if you do", said Grotty with Freda Fretter querying this statement,"but it is terribly windy".
"Well I really ache, so if you'd rather not........"
"Fine by me", said a relieved Grotty. Only for Hormonal Hannah to immediately make her feel guilty and even lower and pathetic, for once again not spending time with her beloved horse. But truthfully, Baggy needed to be in her "safe place" today. Home.

But she felt rubbish. Gloria Gardener decided that Baggy needed to be outside. Cal agreed to burn more stuff while Creative Clara painted more stuff. But it was way too windy for burning things safely, so Cal decided to make a little set of steps to one of the new patches of land.

Baggy had her sights set on the baby shed. It's falling apart. It's nearly thirty years old and hasn't had any love at all for at least the last six years. Brambles were growing in and through it, as was ivy. The windows had dropped by three inches due to the rotten wood and the floor has gone through. But Hormonal Hannah wanted it to feel appreciated, plus Clever Bird realises that they cannot afford a new shed, so make-do-and-mend. Clara set to with her paint brush as Cal retired to explore his man-shed, while keeping an eye on the incinerator that he'd decided it was now safe to light.

A few hours later:

Cal even fixed the windows! It's still completely rotten and will need further TLC, but Baggy will be claiming it as her woman-hut. She loves the colours. It has woodworm too she realised when she was painting it, so that will need sorting, but hopefully it can be saved.

Baggy felt a lot better for being outside for a few hours. Still very anxious, but not quite so low. It's very hard not to be anxious when none of this land is yet owned by Baggy and Calum, and of course she's really worried about what will happen tomorrow when Cal turns up (unannounced) at the solicitors' - she'd be less worried if she didn't have to go too, but she does. And inevitably Clever Bird will end up doing all the talking, she just prays that Hormonal Hannah doesn't put her into an angry, anxious meltdown, but that's pretty much inevitable really.

Ah well, more comfort food required tonight.........

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