Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy was up with the sparrows this morning - well okay, it was the late rising sparrows who are getting on a bit and like a lie in, but still she was up with them. They hang around and wait for Furry Mama to put more food out for them. Creative Clara will take some photos at some point, but for now imagine: a pair of collared doves squished onto the bird table eating bread, while a blackbird catches the bits that fall off. A big fat mistle-thrush hopping about grubbing in the soil. A pair of robins who are so tame they virtually land on Furry Mama's hand as she puts the food out. Blue tits, long-tailed tits, coal tits, great tits, wrens, warblers, wagtails, bullfinches and a couple of wood pigeons who Creative Clara has named Walter and Winston. Baggy loves watching them. Let's hope the cats don't see it as a bird restaurant when they eventually go out!
Furry Mama took Minty Mutt out. Once again it felt freezing, in fact it was trying to snow as they wandered around. As Baggy planned to go to the (not-so) soon-to-be-a-holiday cottage, Clever Bird figured it might be best to go sooner rather than later as the weather forecast was a little dubious. Why go at all, you ask bloggees? Well aside from The Domestic Goddess needing to get on with creating said holiday cottage, Hormonal Hannah took her last happy pill this morning, so Baggy needed to pick up her repeat prescription today. Before she could go, she needed to pack food, sort the cats out, pack some clothes, and pack her latest order from her little shop. Clever Bird planned on posting it on the way to the soon-to-be-a-holiday cottage.
She popped into the local Post Office. There was a massive queue. And zero sense of urgency. Staff chatting with locals. Customers just adding queries, ignoring the queue. Furry Mama decided to talk to the cute spaniel who was whimpering to say "hello" to her. Her jeans were soon covered in muddy paw prints. Fifteen minutes later she finally got to the counter. The slightly grumpy woman took the parcel and sat it in a box. "That will be a medium parcel".
"Since when?" asked Hormonal Hannah, hackles rising, "Have the rules changed?"
"No. It's too big".
"But I always pack my parcels in these boxes". Baggy recycles Minty Mutt's food boxes.
"Well it's too big".
Hannah must have given her one of "those" looks.
"I'll ask my manager".
She disappeared with Baggy's parcel sitting in the box.
"It's too big".
"Fine. I'll take it to a Post Office where it isn't too big".
Baggy's inner Grrrrrr was rumbling, as she left the shop, parcel still under her arm.
She set off with Minty Mutt on the journey to the other end of Suffolk. A few miles on she spotted a village Post Office. Baggy popped in, parcel under her arm.
"Okay, is that for the UK?"
"It is".
"Thank you. If you could hand it over, I'll just check the size". Once again it was placed in a box. Clever Bird paid a bit more attention. On the side of the box it said, "All small parcels must fit entirely in this box". Hmmmmmm. It must be a new check. Hormonal Hannah held her breath and stopped Clever Bird from blurting out that she'd just been told it was "Too big". When she looked she could see that it was very slightly higher than the edge of the box (maybe quarter of an inch higher), just in the middle where Freda Fretter had stuffed lots of paper and bubble warp in to make sure the glass bowl was safe.
"That's fine, it's a small parcel. Would you like to send it first or second class?"
Baggy headed off once more. Ninety minutes later Baggy picked up Hannah's prescription. Twenty minutes later Minty and Baggy were in the "soon-to-be", turning the heating up. According to the car, it was minus four outside! Hormonal Hannah was inclined to collapse in a heap but The Goddess had other plans, she decided that she needed to feel as though she was getting somewhere with her plans. A bit of vacuuming and removal of boxes to make space, gave Creative Clara enough room to start some painting. Clara picked up a pot of "Harvest Gold" and started covering some of the boring white! Even Hormonal Hannah finds painting very therapeutic. What's more, she's actually getting somewhere............
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