Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Extra duties.

Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Not surprisingly after Gloria Gardener's super human antics of yesterday, Baggy slept rather well last night. She is however covered in scratches and bruises and has muscles that feel like achy lead. Her hands, particularly her right one, feel rather peculiar too, but Baggy is feeling so much better physically, that she forgets that she's had so much surgery sometimes. But despite all the aches, she woke up happy and determined to have another busy day. Bit-at-a-time-Betty has had a chat with Clever Bird who will try to ensure that Baggy's "bits" aren't too much in future!

Unlike yesterday, the weather was a little more wintry today; grey, windy and drizzling, so Baggy decided to take it easy. But as Furry Mama now has not only furries, but featheries and a warty to attend to, Baggy's first tasks of the day take a while:

* Feed the house furries, Hinge, Bracket and Minty Mutt.
* Clean Hinge and Bracket's litter trays.
* Check on Derek the dove. Change his water and check he has seed. Secure his house from the winds. Open the cage doors so that he can get out-and-about if he fancies it.
* Put food out for all of the village's birds, and for those who've now heard the news about the new Furry Mama in town and are turning up from neighbouring villages. Top up their water.
* Check that Terence the toad is okay in his new house.
* Take Minty Mutt for his daily neighbourhood checking and "marking" walk.

Baggy then had to take Furry Mama to the village shop for more dog food. While she was there she bought yet more coconut feeders for the featheries - apparently the tits do not want the mealworm coconuts she bought, they prefer berry and peanut butter flavoured ones. Their wish is Furry Mama's command.

Baggy then took Grotty Groom to the yard as she needed cuddles from the Boys. Two hours later she had finished grooming them. Baggy's hands were hurting, but she was happy. There really is nothing like a bit of horse therapy. The Boys are so chilled out, it's lovely for Baggy to be with them.

Baggy actually managed to track down The Domestic Goddess when she got back. She's managed to make the house look halfway decent again. The poor woman though, you have to feel a teeny bit sorry for her. She hates doing housework and now she's got two of them to sort out! But Clever Bird has been encouraging her by pointing out how lucky she is to be in that situation, so The Goddess has been vacuuming to music. Furry Mama wasn't too impressed with her when she nearly landed on Bracket as she danced around the sitting room with a feather duster catching cobwebs, but at least Baggy would have burned off an extra calorie or two. Tomorrow she might try painting to music at the soon-to-be-a-holiday cottage. After all, what could possibly go wrong?.........

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