Tuesday, 28 February 2017

One step at a time.

Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy woke up in a very dark place this morning. The clouds outside were as dark and threatening as the one over her head. Furry Mama whizzed outside to check Derek had survived the cold. He was a little feathery ball, but was fine. Then during her morning call to number one furry, he mentioned that the sun was supposed to come out later. Baggy tried to cheer up while she drank a cup of tea, but she felt terrible. She called on Weedy Wilma Willpower for a bit of assistance, between Weedy and Clever Bird they convinced Baggy that she must get dressed and keep busy. So Furry Mama decided to take Minty Mutt for a walk and then find Gloria Gardener.

It was bitterly cold. Baggy had lots of layers on, but was virtually shivering. Mint was happy enough, but Baggy just felt even worse and decided that it was way too cold for Gloria to be out in the garden. Baggy was walking along, brushing tears away when Furry Mama noticed that Mint was bouncing about like a very big puppy, following some scent and doing play bows to her to get her to join in the fun. At the same moment the sun came out. Baggy thanked God for cheering her up. Weedy persuaded her to go home, put even more clothes on and drag Gloria out of the garden shed.

Bit of an anxious panic when Furry Mama got home - she couldn't see Derek. She found him hiding under the turnout rug. Phew. Cup of tea made. Tools and Gloria retrieved from the shed. Weedy viewed the garden and gave Gloria a challenge: the other set of steps!

Encouraged by Weedy and Bit-at-a-time-Betty, Gloria set to, one step at a time. Clever Bird was convinced that this would be easier than the other set of steps. Wrong. But a few hours later a number of things became clear. Baggy was in a happy place. Gloria was loving gardening. Minty Mutt was driving Furry Mama nuts constantly barking to get her to throw his ball. Clever Bird realised just what a good thing it was moving house. Steps appeared - one step at a time.

Calum called Baggy just as she was getting to the last step. She realised she'd been out there for hours and it was just starting to rain. She decided that maybe it was lunchtime. It was more like tea time. Then Clever Bird realised that it wasn't raining, it was hailing! Time to go in for a salad - yeah bloggess, you're right, but The Domestic Goddess still hasn't made her butternut squash soup. Creative Clara just needed to admire the garden, the view, the dog, and Derek first.

Well done Weedy, not such a wimp after all..............

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