Saturday, 18 February 2017


Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy had a bad night's sleep, but that's mainly because their mattress at home has been named the marshmallow by number one furry. The mattress at the soon-to-be-a-holiday cottage on the other hand, is Baggy's old one, old being the operative word! It must be over twenty, hence buying the marshmallow in the first place. It didn't seem too bad to Baggy until she got the new one, but it's so hard and wonky - it should be called the toffee crunch. But until the cottage is more ready than it is now, no new mattresses will be purchased, so in the meantime Baggy suffers. When Calum got up, Baggy was so tired that she went back to sleep for another hour!

The good news though was that Baggy has ninety-eight percent painted the staircase and ninety-nine percent painted the smaller bedroom. Why so close and yet so far? Well two reasons the first being The Domestic Goddess couldn't reach the last bits. Then she ran out of the white paint - the stupidly expensive "breathable" paint - a mere £38 for a 250ml can. The joy of owning a timber-framed cottage. What's more the cottage slurps it up like it hasn't had any nourishment for years. Mind you, it hasn't, but it's costing a small fortune in paint! Never mind it will be worth it in the end hopefully.

Number one furry biker had to take his bike for an MOT this afternoon, so as the garage is halfway home, it seemed sensible to come back on the bike, while Minty Mutt and Baggy came back in Brucie Fiat. Good plan. The only snag being that Baggy will therefore have to take him back to work. As she has no intention of getting up at 4.30am on Monday, they will be going back to the "soon-to-be-a" again tomorrow. The Goddess will make the journey worthwhile by doing more painting on Monday. It does feel as though she's barely at home though, so she needs to get on with it!

Furry Mama was delighted to see that Derek the dove was still alive when she got home. One of the robins (who Calum has named Rocky, after Baggy's late Dad), was in the cage eating Derek's seed, but at least it means that Derek has some company.

Number one furry's bike is now snuggled in the garage. Next weekend, Baggy will get him to bring Hairy Biker Hen's back too. Hinge and Bracket are snuggled up with Furry Mama, and Minty Mutt is keeping his eye on everyone, while snoozing. The Goddess rustled up a very lovely chilli con carne (even though Creative Clara says so herself), now it's flop time...........

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