Friday, 17 February 2017

Having revelations and facing fears - all in one day!

Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy actually managed to get up when the alarm went off at 7.00 this morning! Yep bloggees, a bit of a miracle, but she had a motivation, she wanted to go to Fat Club. Now that is dedication for you, as it's a ninety-minute drive. Furry Mama sorted out Derek the dove with some fresh food and water. Freda Fretter checked the house and Minty Mutt and Baggy were in Lavenham for 9.30. Furry Mama took him for a lovely walk around the beautiful town, then Baggy faced the scales.

She'd put on half-a-pound, which is neither here nor there and not a problem. But during the meeting, it occurred to Clever Bird as she listened to people talking, that Baggy needs to cut back her sugar consumption. Not to lose weight (although it'd help), no, because it makes her depression and angst worse. Plus once she's had some sugar she wants more. So last night for instance, having been on plan all day, she'd eaten lots of fruit and suddenly needed more "sweetness". So literally just before going to bed, she had a massive bowl of cornflakes covered in about five tablespoons of sugar! She woke at 2.00am feeling rubbish and could not get back to sleep.

It does make sense though: sugar gives you a "high" and makes you feel better, until it wears off. Then you feel tired and can feel low, but for someone like Baggy, who suffers from depression, this can feel even worse. The low feels like the black cloud coming back, so panic follows. Followed in Baggy's case by some comfort eating - three-quarters of a packet of ginger nut biscuits this week and pancakes with lemon and sugar. Sugar, high. Feel rubbish and down. Comfort eat sugar. High. Feel rubbish and even more down. And on. And on. So this week Baggy is trying a new plan. Less sugar. Also as previously instructed, she'll try to have less caffeine. To keep her munchies away, the butternut squash soup that she promised to make last week, will be made this week. She's clearly very addicted to sugar and tea, because just writing that has Creative Clara wanting a cuppa and Hormonal Hannah in a panic! Pah!

Baggy and Minty arrived at the soon-to-be-a-holiday cottage about thirty seconds before number one furry also arrived. Once The Domestic Goddess had rustled up scrambled eggs for lunch, she got her paint brushes out. Talk about having to face a fear - one of Baggy's many phobias. No, not paint bloggees, heights! Painting the staircase is not just a challenge, it's positively terrifying! Number one furry rigged up an interesting ladder system that had Baggy's knees wobbling just looking at it.

See, scary! Especially when the metal platform Baggy was standing on decided to give way! It just bent. Calum very helpfully said, "Hmmm, you'd better lose some weight".
Baggy's reply?
Doesn't bear repeating.

By the end, Baggy was shaking like a leaf, but she managed to do it, and was rather proud of herself. It might have gone better still, if Clever Bird had had a word with The Goddess and stopped her from painting all the low bits first. She kept leaning on wet paint to reach the high bits. She might also have told Baggy to put old clothes on and not her decent jeans, which are now covered in white and yellow paint. Creative Clara might be adding a few more colours to them at some point so it looks intentional...........

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