Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
The day started with a long walk for Furry Mama and Minty Mutt. It truly felt like spring! No wonder nature is a little confused. Clever Bird decided that Baggy needed to be outside, as it was way too lovely to be inside. As Baggy is really excited that they will finally legally own their garden, she decided to rustle Gloria Gardener up from her hibernation. Now bloggees, you will probably remember that Gloria is about as keen at doing her job as The Domestic Goddess is at doing hers, but Baggy was determined to start getting on top of the garden.
Gloria had a plan. This was the start point for the day:
Under this, there are steps! This is part of the garden that the neighbour had bought. A friend of Baggy and Calum's who is a professional landscape gardener, cleared it to this stage a few weeks ago, so Gloria wanted to start on revealing the steps. With the encouragement of Bit-at-a-time-Betty, she decided to literally tackle one step at a time. Starting with the little patio next to the shed and working down.
There are loads of bulbs! Rocky the robin was close by Baggy all the time.
Minty Mutt decided he needed to assist.
The bottom of the steps was a challenge.
But a few hours later:
To get to this stage Gloria employed the help of Archaeologist Annie who got her little trowel out to actually figure out where the steps were. She was quite surprised to find the terrace, as this hasn't been visible for at least six years. She did disturb a new friend though. Meet Terence the toad.
Can you see him bloggees? Good camouflage heh? But Furry Mama decided to leave him a new little house that he seemed to like.
It took over six hours. There might be a need for Betty to explain more carefully to Baggy what the definition of a "little bit" is, but Gloria, who generally hates gardening, really enjoyed herself. She is excited to get the garden into the beautiful creation that Baggy's Dad and Step Mum had created.
Derek the dove is also still doing really well. It's been a good if exhausting day. Now Baggy has rather a lot of rubbish to get rid of...........
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