Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Today's plan:
Get up early.
Walk Minty Mutt.
Go to the yard and ride the horses.
Go food shopping - for slimming healthy food.
Go and help our friends to move house.
Today's actuality:
Got up late.
Walked Minty Mutt.
Helped our friends to move house.
Went food shopping - for pizzas, sweets, chocolate cream eggs, bread and butter pudding, biscuits and a bit of salad type stuff.
As they were paying for their mainly unhealthy food at the check out, all Furry Mama could hear was hysterical whimpering from outside the store. The whimpering changed to full on yapping. As they left the store Furry Mama spotted a cute little black fluffy dog, leaping about barking its head off. She spent the next ten minutes sitting on the floor with the little dog, stroking it to keep it calm. The second she stopped stroking, it started whimpering again.
"Cal, I know I could be ages, but I can't leave the poor little thing. It's hysterical".
"That's okay".
Freda Fretter was thinking that someone could have a right pop at Furry Mama for interfering, but she was prepared to put up with it for the poor little dog.
"It's okay little one, I'm sure they won't be long".
By now the dog was half sitting on Furry Mama, completely focussed on the store door. Then Baggy heard a voice.
"Oh, thank you", as a lady came out of the shop.
"That's okay, but I couldn't leave her in that state".
"Thank you, it is upsetting. I've had her five years and she's like this if I leave her at home, so I think I'll bring her with me, then I can hear her all round the store".
By now, the dog is licking Furry Mama to bits.
"Well she's very sweet".
"Yes, her name is Poppy and she's very friendly. I think she knows what she's doing".
"Yep, probably", said Furry Mama, "it certainly worked with me".
Baggy has just eaten pizza and is now feeling sick while demolishing pick and mix sweets. This however is not preventing her from carrying on eating them. Number one furry just said, "Well we don't have to eat them all tonight". Hormonal Hannah just raised her eyebrows at him. It's not good. At this rate Grotty Groom will be too heavy to ride Wessles again. She absolutely must go to Fat Club this week!
Hannah just went to grab another handful of chocolate raisins from the bowl, only to discover that the bowl had disappeared. "Urmmmm?"
"I'm saving you from yourself", said Calum. Probably wise. Except he bought the flipping things in the first place.
Hopefully tomorrow they will get to see the horses and ride. Although Freda Fretter is worried about Grotty getting on Wessles, the sooner she gets on with it the better. Hopefully tomorrow. Hopefully!
Number one furry just said, "I love you bubba". Bless him.
"Do you love me enough to make me a cup of tea?"
"I do".
No movement.
Baggy raised her eyebrows.
"When would you like it?"
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