Sunday, 19 February 2017


Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

This will have to be a short blog I'm afraid bloggees a) because Baggy is for some reason exhausted but mainly b) because t'internet connection is being silly, but Creative Clara will fight on. So, if you're reading this, the day got even better!

This morning Grotty Groom and Calum headed over to see the horses with the intention of riding them for the first time in over two months and for the first time at the new yard. Well, that was the intention. The Boys were very pleased to see Grotty and their Dad. They were even happier once they had had small animals worth of hair brushed out of them. However there was a dressage competition on and therefore they couldn't ride in the indoor school. Clever Bird thought they'd be fine in the outdoor school, but she hadn't reckoned on how many competitors would be warming up at the same time. By the time the horses were groomed the three horses in the school were doing all kinds of fancy-pants manoeuvres and Grotty was trying to work out how she could back Baggy out of riding, just as Calum said, "I don't really want to ride with all those dressage horses". Phew. Carrots, cuddles and minty treats given, they said bye to the Boys and headed home.

Derek the dove is still alive! He's also getting quite unafraid of Furry Mama, but she wasn't sure what he likes to eat. She decided to scramble him an egg. While it cooled, Gloria Gardener showed Calum around the garden, so he could see how many bulbs are popping up. Furry Mama threw Minty Mutt's ball, as Gloria and Calum surveyed their garden. Now you bloggees who've been with Baggy for a while will remember the garden dispute! It was one of many things that pushed Baggy over the edge last year. Brief recap: It turned out that Baggy's Dad's house (that Baggy and Cal now live in), did not own ninety percent of the garden - even though it's been "the garden" for at least thirty years. Four years ago the local farmer bought it (unknowingly) with a few hundred acres  from the quarry - the garden had been created on old (unused) quarry land. Then immediately, a near neighbour, bought some land from the farmer, which included (again unknowingly), a chunk (about twenty percent) of the garden. So the neighbour then tried to sell back his bit of the garden to Baggy, for an extortionate price - bearing in mind that apparently the garden adds no monetary value to the house. Baggy (against Clever Bird's better judgment, but for Hormonal Hannah's peace of mind agreed to buy it), as long as she could also have a tiny extra triangle of land, that was outside the garden, but would make perfect sense to the Land Registry. The neighbour said "no" to the extra bit. Baggy who was at the end of her tether, told him to stuff it.

A couple of weeks ago Calum and Baggy agreed with the farmer a price to buy all the rest of the garden (eighty percent) that he owns, plus quite a bit extra on top, for HALF what the neighbour wants for his tiddy bit! They are very excited about this and were therefore prepared to lose the other bit. But today as Furry Mama was checking on Derek (who hadn't touched his scrambled egg, but loves his raisins), the neighbour came round. Long story short, he has now agreed to sell the tiddy bit (WITH the extra triangle) for a fifth of the price he previously wanted! A few hundred pounds instead of a few thousand! Yay! Hopefully within a few weeks the whole garden will legally belong to the house.

The tiddy bit includes Baggy's Dad's shed and the petanque pitch that he built, so she is really excited!

Four years of arguing, but it's all worked out in the end. Gloria Gardener might be in action this week. (These photos were taken four years ago! She'll do some new ones tomorrow so you can see the work she faces - although she will be getting professional help!)

So Minty, Calum and Baggy headed off to the other cottage this afternoon, with a celebratory air. So celebratory, that they treated themselves to a meal out of pizza and a honeycomb slice with mascarpone for supper. Yes, bloggees, Baggy is hopeless, but she's very happy-hopeless! Now she needs to get this cottage earning some money to pay for the loan they'll need. The Domestic Goddess will have her paintbrushes out tomorrow........

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